Ramblings from us as we strive to live a holy life in the world, not of the world.

What are you doing Epiphany Eve?

Traditionally Epiphany is celebrated on January 6th. Liturgically it falls on January 8th this year. In our family, we've tried to make this a special day as Jesus is manifested to the world. Epiphany actually means manifestation. Even remembering that the three gifts that Jesus received from the Magi is telling: gold, for kingship, frankincense for priesthood, myrrh for the Jesus' future sacrifice on the cross.

In our domestic church celebrations, we've incorporated the theme of 'The Three Kings' throughout our celebration on this day. Every year we have an Epiphany Cake. A bean is bake into the cake and whoever finds the bean gets to be king for the day. Unfortunately, we've had years when the bean wasn't found in any of the pieces that we consumed on the day, so we usually cut the cake on the vigil. I also put two beans in the cake on opposite sides to cut the odds that someone will find one. The person who finds the bean gets to be king for the day. 

M and J had a ball making the crowns and will no doubt enjoy the King's Parade around the house wearing their hats and celebrating that the three wise men (below) finally have made it to the creche.

Finally, we always bless our home. In years past, we've used a blessing similar to this. But with the deacon in the house, he'll probably use his Book of Blessings. We always mark our door. Last year's inscription is still there!

Mark 20+C+M+B+12. The 20 and 12 for the year and the C, M, B for the traditional names of the Wise Men: Casper, Melchior, and Balthasar). But the initials also stand for “May Christ Bless this House.”  Hence, why we've left our inscription up all year!

We would normally have a feast fit for a king, but the Steelers will be playing later in the day, so we'll probably enjoy a casual meal of pizza from the freezer. Well to some Pittsburghers, pizza would be considered a meal fit for a king!

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